Rocky Mountain National Park
- in northern Colorado
Yellowstone National Park
- mostly in Wyoming and
parts of Montana and Idaho
Glasier National Park
- in Montana's rocky mountains
running into Canada border
Pentax K30
- A 16.3MP middle Pentax DSLR range announced in May 2012
- Stainless steel chassis and
fully weather-sealed
- Could shoot 6 fps with
1/6000th second maximum speed
SMC Pentax-DA 18-55mm F3.5-5.6 AL
SMC Pentax-DA L 55-300mm f4-5.8 ED
Supplied Lithium battery
16 AA alkaline batteries with adaptor
approximately 4000 miles
5 AirBNB Homestays
5th - 7th May 2018
1436 Alpine Street, Longmont, Colorado
(visited Rocky Mountain National Park, University of Colorado and the city of Denver)
7th - 9th May 2018
209 3rd St. West, Park City, Montana
(visited Yellowstone National Park, Montana State University and Geyser Park)
9th - 10th May 2018
128 Main St, Sheridan, Montana
(overnight transit home on the way back from Park City, Montana to Bigfork, Montana - visited historic Virginia City, Montana)
10th - 12th May 2018
15236 MT-35, Bigfork, Montana
(visited Glacier National Park and passed through Missoula Town)
12th - 13th May 2018
9383 N Yellostone Highway, Idaho Falls, Idaho
(overnight transit on the way back from Bigfork, Montana to Salt Lake City, Utah - visited city of Idaho Falls for lunch before driving east to Midvale and Salt Lake City, Utah)
- in northern Colorado
- mostly in Wyoming and
parts of Montana and Idaho
- in Montana's rocky mountains
running into Canada border
Pentax K30
- Stainless steel chassis and
fully weather-sealed
- Could shoot 6 fps with
1/6000th second maximum speed
approximately 4000 miles
5th - 7th May 2018
1436 Alpine Street, Longmont, Colorado
(visited Rocky Mountain National Park, University of Colorado and the city of Denver)
7th - 9th May 2018
209 3rd St. West, Park City, Montana
(visited Yellowstone National Park, Montana State University and Geyser Park)
9th - 10th May 2018
128 Main St, Sheridan, Montana
(overnight transit home on the way back from Park City, Montana to Bigfork, Montana - visited historic Virginia City, Montana)
10th - 12th May 2018
15236 MT-35, Bigfork, Montana
(visited Glacier National Park and passed through Missoula Town)
12th - 13th May 2018
9383 N Yellostone Highway, Idaho Falls, Idaho
(overnight transit on the way back from Bigfork, Montana to Salt Lake City, Utah - visited city of Idaho Falls for lunch before driving east to Midvale and Salt Lake City, Utah)