Wednesday, May 30, 2007

3 divas

had the great opportunity to shoot these 3 divas during recent function..thanking my friend for inviting me

Friday, May 25, 2007

if it is just not you...

just have your own opinion... guy besides prayer matt along..ready to pray..the guy just took the matt and turn around for his place only leaving me with bare wet cold tiles... empty seat and space..ready to eat..went away a while to wash hand...came one guy..he just moved the plate to the side and have the sit and place for him..pakai jubah labuh gitu..alim la konon but...

Thursday, May 17, 2007

kursus asas fotografi digital

decided to joint-in because felt that you still need a 'guru' to teach you rather than just books, mags etc i.e. this sort of self-thought..macam ngaji quraan gak...
worth it to far have i will be on 9/6/07 from 2pm-7pm and 10/6/07 from 9am - 7pm at

Sunday, May 6, 2007

salam dan doa

hari ni aku berdoa
seperti hari-hari berlalu
salam buat saudaraku
pembuat kata seiring pembuka jalan
kerana mereka pernah berkata
dalam hidup mereka pernah menderita
sesekali dalam kebahagiaan
mencari rentak di dalam kekesalan
gerak gaya meniti masa
ke penghujung antara doa
meniti riak menentang arus
gelombang itu pernah tinggi
menggapai diri mencuit awan
sekalinya turun ia jatuh
berlari sedih ke arus tuju
entah ke hala mana
sambil itu berdoa lagi
sepertimana aku pernah bedoa
memberi salam selamat
sejahtera kelian sejahteranya alam
terus menanti dan mencari lagi
di balik mana adanya ia
salam aku sekali lagi

bukit rimau
10.55 malam