Tuesday, July 10, 2007

apakah perlu..semestinya...

read a notice on highway notice board...'kemalangan di km 3.6 hala ke timur...'how do i know which is west and which is east...baik tak payah cakap hala lagi baik..bikin orang tak confuse..semestinya kat depan tu la ada accident..or show the bound marks as always shown in other countries i.e USA umpamanya...for a local, u may know which direction is north in PLUS hi-way but i would not know either east/west or nort/south on besraya or kesas or elite for that matter..please la highway guys..mark your bound next to km signage or at least kalau batu jalan jkr dulu-dulu tu ada nama bandar dengan km or batu (la dulu-dulu) setiap kilometer sekali...makin ke belakang kita nampak gayenye...

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