Sunday, April 14, 2019


Body: Zenza BRONICA ETR (1976)
Lens: Zenzanon MC 1:2.8 f=75mm

Film: FUJIFILM ACROS 100 expiry 11/18 meter@5o
Develop: Ilford HC (recycle 2nd role) 1:31 6 minutes @ 18°C

1. 2 frames were over-exposed when the back was wrongly not accidentally opened.

2. Another 2 frames were under-exposed interior shots when you did not know (read - you think you knew that you did not find out to read the manual) that without the battery that the camera would shoot at 1/500s eventhough you noticed earlier and wondered that the 4 seconds Tv was not giving 4 seconds per say.

3. All of the rest of the shoots except the last 4 were shot with 1/500s or 1/250s as dialled so i supposed that the intended 1/250s was within the dynamic range eventhough the metering in the first place was already 1 stop slower at ISO 50 for a ISO 100 film that is.

4. The last four shots were shot wide open at f2.8 for 1/2 a second, manually and slowly carefully tripped to avoid shake sat on tripod, when you wanted to use cable shutter but did not see the cable shutter outlets normally seen on the shutter button when later only you discovered after reading the manual (finally) that it is on the side of the body.

some sort of workshop machine

water meter stand

cooking and getting ready 
for catering function

motorcycle passing-by a shop

used tyres and empty motor-oils containers - could be f4 

double exposure - was shooting without battery and the meter gave 1/60s

empty bulk oil drums

1. oscar

2. instax

3. mamiya c330 professional

4. snacks

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