Thursday, March 22, 2007

jalan ipoh traffic jam

some of u might have known this..either from star report on 20.3.07 or u have experienced yourself or u just happenned to observe by me that our office is on first mile of jalan ipoh...where the road is jam packed from monday 19.3.07 until today n i suspect until forever...for the whole day till may be around 9pm or so...all this because of the closure of lower tier interchanging lane by DBKL below the lrt overhead at the bulatan pahang near to is a pity for those people coming from jalan putra in front of PWTC turning into the slip road after the sg gombak bridge toward kompleks udarama and turn in to jalan ipoh...tonight a police patrol car was waiting for people trying to cut into that one way road where even a motorcycle was 'loud speaker'ed not to take the wrong way...i'll post some pix when i got a chance..may be tomorrow night being the friday eve where most of people will rush home at much earlier time for the weekend...

tough luck to leave early from the office for the site visit....but from what i heard that the lane has been reopened n that explains why there was no jam in front of the office when we were down to go to the mosque for the friday prayer...

29th march 2007...observe the traffic situation below the jln tun razak overhead bridge on jalan ipoh while waiting for the rain to stop..there was a policeman guiding the that whoever from bulatan pahang has to use lower on-ground road then u could go straight n joint back jln parlimen..what the snag is that..what is the straight lane now is actually a modification of right turn-only junction..but the modification is crroked where the road kerb is not straight as it is supposed to..n a little bumpy at the location which has created some delay action n not so smooth going thru for these cars...n without a proper signage somewhere could be seen..this will snag the trafic some more...please dbkl..put a little signage projecting from the bridge at may be 20 meters or so from the bridge n please properly straighten the lane n repair the bumpy entry for the sake of jln raja laut traffic turning into jalan ipoh n those coming from jalan putra thru jln 3/64A into jalan ipoh..please n please n please...i also cannot bear working while hearing the horn from all these hopeless drivers..

on the same note n situation..KESAS..please open up another bay of your guardrail so that the turning by the cars is much smoother n become faster into the contra flow lane...

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